From Instagram, 1 minute religious video:

9th November at the Albany Centre, Glasgow (a People’s Summit side event) at #COP26Glasgow
Geneva Interfaith Forum: Human Rights and Ethics in the Field of Adaptation and Resilience: Building Trust.

Geneva Interfaith Forum

Geneva Interfaith Forum


Geneva Interfaith Forum: Human Rights and Ethics in the Field of Adaptation and Resilience

Geneva Interfaith Forum: Human Rights and Ethics in the Field of Adaptation and Resilience


Human Rights and Ethics in the Field of Adaptation and Resilience: Building Trust

Human Rights and Ethics in the Field of Adaptation and Resilience: Building Trust


COP26 Pilgrims being welcomed to Edinburgh during #ScottishInterfaithWeek

COP26 Pilgrims being welcomed to Edinburgh

COP26 Pilgrims being welcomed to Edinburgh


COP26 Pilgrims being welcomed to Edinburgh

COP26 Pilgrims being welcomed to Edinburgh


Golo Pilz

Golo Pilz, meditation teacher and energy adviser at Brahma Kumaris speaks at the side-event to COP26 on the topic of ‘Energy Transition – Deciding our Future’.


Discussion was moderated by Sonja Ohlsson,

Discussion was moderated by Sonja Ohlsson, BK Environment Initiative on ways of accelerating the implementation of new technologies, including local community initiatives with low-carbon lifestyles.


Speaker Pelosi came and addressed COP26

Speaker Pelosi came and addressed COP26


the Loss and Damage Banner on its way to the Quakers Vigil

the Loss and Damage Banner on its way to the Quakers Vigil


 Transport day: the perfect energy saving exercise (click to see a larger version)

Transport day: the perfect energy saving exercise (click to see a larger version)


the promise ...

the promise …

Tags: A Pictorial View - Interfaith and COP#4, Interfaith and COP #4